Robin’s work is so current and fresh. Her characters spit in the eye of convention, living in worlds of raw humanity with a touch of magical reality.
– Brock H. Hill, Artistic Director, NYC
Over 15 minutes to one hour in length.
The comedies all have underlying drama. The dramas contain laughs.
The plays may be performed on a bare stage or simple unit set
with flexible space and/or perhaps a set piece or two.
ALLIE’S APPENDIX. Drama with comedy. 4F; 1M. (See SAINT ANTHONY AND THE APPENDIX below for 3F; 2M cast.) 50-60 minutes. A young woman is pushed out of the closet – or maybe not in this intensely personal, surreal story.
BLOOD SISTERS. Drama. 3F (cast may be expanded). 15-20 minutes. Activist nuns deface a nuclear missile silo and face the consequences. A true story.
DARBY’S DISAPPEARANCE. Drama. 1M; 1M/F. 20 minutes. A young woman/man has been so devastated by a tragedy that s/he is in the process of willing herself/himself to disappear.
EVENING PRIMROSE IN OHIO. Dramatic comedy. 1M; 1F (teenagers). Est. 30 minutes. The young man who runs Squeeky Kleen’s Laundry Lube believes he is disappearing. Will a young New York woman with attitude validate his existence and reverse the process?
EYES ON PAULINA (a screenplay). Drama. 1F; 1M (lots of doubling for the male, plus a major male voiceover). Est. 20-30 minutes. A powerful woman C.E.O. heads toward Mexico in an old Chevy van, her conscience and the law in hot pursuit.
THE FORTIFICATION OF MISS GRACE WREN. Drama. 1M; 1F. Est. 30 minutes. A traumatized school teacher finds strength and love in the arms of an historic figure who stands astride the 17th and 21st Centuries.
THE GREAT ALL-DOMINICAN CHAMPIONSHIP PLAYOFF GAME. Drama. 3M. Est. 30 minutes. The true story of Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo and his exploitation of young American baseball rookie Satchel Paige.
HONEY’S SMILE. Comedy (for young actors, with original music). 2F; 1M; 1M/F plus as many chorus members, male and/or female as desired (total cast size 14-25+ young people grades K-6). Est. 40 minutes. Twelve-year-old Honey discovers with the advice of bird and plant friends that leaving her beloved Caribbean island home is better than losing who she is.
THE LENGTH OF A DREAM. Drama with comedy. 3F; 3M (additional non-speaking women if desired). Est. 45+ minutes. In ancient Greece, women decide to take credit where credit is due.
LISTEN! THE RIVER. Drama with comedy (solo show). 1M/F (plays six characters). 55 minutes. A young, male cat with attitude is the central storyteller in this tale of love, loss and new beginnings.
O RUMBLES OF JOY! Drama with comedy and movement. 2M; 3-5M/F (cast size 5-7 depending on doubling). Est. 45 minutes. Early 20th Century sculptor must confront distracting thoughts to create a famous sculpture.
QUEEN FOR A DAY. Drama. 2M; 1F (boys are age 12). Est. 45 minutes. A new boy in town wants to make friends, but Arnie’s alcoholic mother wants his full attention.
ROSES TO PLAN. Comedy/drama. 1M; 1F. 20 minutes. An elderly couple’s love is tested.
ROSE TRIO. Comedy/drama. 1-3 M; 1-4F. (~50 min.) Three plays, URGENT CARE (one act), BETWEEN DOLLYWOOD AND DISNEY (short) and ROSES TO PLAN (one act) constitute a trio of plays with a uniting theme about three elderly couples with problems that threaten to ruin their lives together. See separate entries for the plays for more detail. (ROSES TO PLAN is published separately by Art Age Publications:
ST. ANTHONY AND THE APPENDIX. Comedy with drama. 3M; 2F. (See ALLIE’S APPENDIX above for a 2M; 3F cast.) 50-60 minutes. A young man is in a hospital for an appendectomy, but it’s not a standard hospital. A statue of a saint comes to life and insists on helping him come out of the closet to his mother.
SITTING DUCK SEASON. Drama. 1M; 1F. Est. 40 minutes. A Wall Street executive hides from the law, but her conscience, in the guise of an unruly young man, catches up with her.
SOON. Drama in verse. 2M; 1F. Est. 45 minutes. Wolf, Rabbit and Crow face an imminent, world-wide, environmental catastrophe.
SPLASH! Comedy (adapted from TUGBOAT LOVE). 2M; 1F. Est. 20 minutes. Unit set (or a real pool). A tugboat is madly in love with the Statue of Liberty, but she wants to return to France.
THREE DUDES WITH A PLAN. Drama with frightening comedy. 3M. Osama bin Laden, a pyromaniac bartender and a pedophile hatch a plan to get rid of women. Guaranteed to offend pretty much everyone.
URGENT CARE. Comedy. 1M; 2F. (20 min.) An elderly couple want to celebrate their first anniversary at Niagara Falls, but toenail fungus and Dunkin Donuts threaten to topple their plans.
For inquiries, contact the playwright.