Our readers expressed great admiration for this play. Thank you for sharing such quality work with us.
– Eugene O’Neill Theater Center

A fable for all ages (12 and up).
2F; 1M; 1F/M.
Est. 70 minutes.
Unit set – see Note below.

Drama and humor tell a cautionary tale. In Homeland: glaciers melt, avalanches crash, forest fires roar, a toxic gas floats in the sky and springtime is unnaturally hot. Trash and dead fish litter the riverbank. Birds and animals have left except for a few. A wolf, a rabbit, a crow and a Clematis flower try to save their home from ecological devastation before it’s ruined past return. They don’t want to call on help from humans, because they know that humans are the cause of much of the problem. Can they do it before Mother Nature lowers the final boom? Will the Aurora Borealis ever light up the sky with hope again?
Premiere available.
NOTE: The settings of the play are a meadow and riverbank in the far north (think Alaska). Projections would be good. An outdoors production could be wonderful. But above all, imagination is most important.
Just saw a reading of PECKING ORDER (FEATHERS FLY) by Robin Rice. I had a blast working on one of her plays last year. Anybody looking for plays should hunt her down now. Her work always connects with the audience. Very funny and very honest work. We need more writing that challenges the standards and breaks the rules. Lovely moments of heart breaking reality followed by magical moments of theatrical poetry. Great work and congrats!
— William Webber, NYC actor, from FACEBOOK, January, 2014
For inquiries, contact the playwright.