A perusal copy of an unpublished play for reading purposes and consideration for production will be emailed free of charge to producing organizations, directors, and teachers. Contact the playwright.
If a play is published, please obtain it through the publisher. (This doesn’t apply to plays and monologues in published collections. Contact the playwright for those.)

Royalty amounts are to be negotiated with the playwright and will follow Dramatist Guild standards. Rates are lower for classroom use of scripts. (Royalties are a primary source of income for the playwright. Thank you!)
To purchase a script, either contact the playwright or pay directly through PayPal. (Note: payment goes to Lynn R. Lichtig on PayPal.)
Full–lengths (including full-evening collections and collection of monologues) – $15.00.
One-Acts – $10.00.
Shorts and Monologues – $5.00.
NOTE: All plays and monologues are under copyright. It is illegal to copy, reproduce or film any part of a script or use it for purposes other than those agreed upon in consultation with the playwright. By law, dialogue in a script may be altered only with the playwright’s permission (stage directions are up to the director and may be altered). By law, a royalty must be paid for performances and readings unless waived by the playwright.
Please note: Robin Rice Lichtig is the same playwright as Robin Rice.