Drama with comedy.
9-21 female actors.
Est. 90 min.
Unit set with flexible space.
A magical but very real story about breasts and body issues. In rural North Carolina a large, 35-year-old woman is bullied so terribly she decides to starve herself to death. Her breasts, seen as distinct entities, are determined to give Margie the confidence she needs to go forward with life. They appeal to the World-wide Women’s Breast Network to bring pairs of breasts from all over to tell stories that will boost Margie’s self-esteem. Some of the stories help, some don’t. Meanwhile, one of Margie’s breasts has developed a lump. Finally, energized when she reaches out to help a woman with even less confidence than she has, Margie makes a momentous decision and is then able to take the first step in seizing the reins of her life.
Premiere available.
For inquiries, contact the playwright.