Beautiful. Poetry. Robin has a way of building suspense within the plot while allowing the characters to just be themselves. She creates the exact kind of work that I look for both as an artist and as an audience member.
— Bryan Kenneth, director and actor (NYC)
Dark Comedy.
2M; 3F.
1hr. 50min.
Minimal set, flexible space.
A (mostly) true, very adult story seen through the eyes of a cat. The cat’s-eye-view distances the audience and emotional shields are unconsciously lowered. The play creeps up and tackles you unaware as you follow the journey of a cat who is a serious catalyst for change in the lives of diverse people.

Turbo, a feisty but sheltered feline with an abundance of attitude is taken from his quiet Vermont home when his mistress, Dear One, becomes seriously ill. He is relocated to her sister’s New York City apartment where life is frightening and chaotic. He is determined to return home and rescue his mistress from what he correctly senses is a terrible danger.
Big Sister is in the midst of a crisis of her own. She feels she is toxic and is determined to shut herself away from interactions with the outside world. She definitely doesn’t want responsibility for a cat. The romantic but clueless doorman/pet sitter at her building also has problems, as does his veterinarian technician fiancee. In a swirl of magical realism, Dear One appears to encourage Turbo, who in turn is the linchpin for resolving the human crises even though New York is intolerable for him.

Everyone dumps their crises in Turbo’s lap when all he wants is to be reunited with Dear One. He becomes an important catalyst for change in all their lives. He understands what has happened when Dear One dies and settles down to await tomorrow as do the humans, with new-found understanding of their lives.
HONORS: Staged reading produced by Articulate Theatre Company garnered four nominations for outstanding work at Planet Connections Theatre Festivity.
REVIEWS: “A beautiful, heart-felt, funny, involving play! I loved the cat, the orchid, the bird and the fountain. Their magic made the struggles and deep sadness in the play somehow easier to take. I was moved by how caring every human, animal and object was. I loved how the play pulled me in; how comfortable I felt with the world and the people you created—their foibles, feelings, sadness, conflicts and joys felt like so many I have had.” – Michael Oakes, reading audience/NYC playwright
NOTES: The play was previously titled GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM.
Premiere available.
SCRIPT AVAILABLE to read at New Play Exchange. Full-length plays listed alphabetically first. Scroll down for one-acts, shorts and monologues.
For inquiries, contact the playwright.
This is one of Robin’s most beautifully written plays. It’s a tremendously moving piece; lyrically joyous, sad, haunting, and, ultimately, life-affirming. A wonderful piece of theater.