The students had so much fun doing Ms. Rice’s show and learned the importance of teamwork and being an ensemble.
– Teresa Dean (Nazareth Housing)

Comedy (for young actors, with original music).
2F; 1M; 1M/F plus as many chorus members, male and/or female as desired (total cast size 10-14+ young people grades K-6.)
30-40 minutes.
Unit set.
One moonlit night on the Caribbean island of Tortola, Honey, 12, is very upset. Her mother has told her that they are moving to America in the morning. Honey doesn’t want to leave her beloved home. She decides to assume another identity so as to hide from her mother. Down on the beach, she gets advice from a wise Pelican, a motherly Hen (a closet feminist), and an egotistical Rooster. A school of Minnows and a trumpet Vine of flowers chime in with their opinions. In the end, Honey realizes she can be nobody but herself – and that is, after all, the best.
“Honey’s Smile” is a perfect show for youth actors. Casting can be incredibly flexible with all of the Leaves and Minnows. This gave every single one of our students a moment to shine. The play also carries such a wonderful message of the importance of home and family.
– Kenny Wade Marshall, NYC director
– The Minnows and flowers or leaves on the Vine have short lines, but many more nonspeaking actors may be added if desired. A lot of fun can be had with simple choreography and the songs composed for the play. The part of Honey is challenging, and the parts of the birds are chock full of character.
– SHEET MUSIC is available for three songs. For inquiries, contact the playwright.
New Play Exchange. Full-length plays listed alphabetically first. Scroll down for one-acts, shorts and monologues.
Wow! How amazing! Funny and sweet. Troy is so happy. His self-esteem is through the roof!