Such a wonderful and creative challenge working on the character of the old woman who is the spirit of the George Washington Bridge.  All the characters and dialogue are so well written! I love the magical realism that pervades the play.

– Lucy McMichael (actor, NYC)

Black Holes in Their Soft Bodies

Developed in New York City through readings with Manhattan Oracles, the 29th Street Playwrights Collective and a ShopTalk “staged reading” Zoom directed by Susan Izatt.

5f – diverse, very wide age range.
Est. 70-80 min.
Abstract staging.

One fateful night, four women with very different life-smothering troubles come from very different places to the George Washington Bridge. Each is at the end of her rope.

Pamela, a young teenager from an affluent family, blames herself for her mother’s tragic death. Now, the possible outcome of making any mistake whatsoever petrifies her. Jane, 50-60, has just been released from prison. She believes that any good that was in her was erased by the crime she committed. Inez, 23, is a socially inept librarian. She craves companionship, but has not one friend. Theresa, 18, hates her body. She’s considerably overweight according to those horrible height-weight charts. She’s been teased and abused for how she looks all of her life.

Martha, ageless, timeless and homeless, has lived on and around the bridge for so long she identifies with it. Who knows – she may actually be the spirit of the bridge – a Goddess of Gotham. She seeks to rescue these lost souls.

Premiere available.

SET: The primary location is the top level of the George Washington Bridge at night. Strings of lights. Possible projection. Other locations may be suggested by a single piece of furniture, or simply sound or lights. Use lots of imagination.

SCRIPT AVAILABLE to read at New Play Exchange. Full-length plays listed alphabetically first. Scroll down for one-acts, shorts and monologues.

FOR INQUIRIES AND TO OBTAIN SCRIPT: contact the playwright.